Leadership Development Transformed

Are you LIMITING your business by FAILING your Leaders?

Accelerate your Leaders to Success when they take on bigger Leadership roles!

We’ll engage, enable and empower your Leaders to build and grow happier, healthier and higher-performing teams with a personalised leadership development experience.

With Boost Connect, they’ll become more confident and effective.

Better Leaders for Brilliant Businesses

Up to 49% of those promoted underperform for 18 months*

A poor transition adversely impacts team performance, on average, by 15%.

And, up to 20% of the team will leave or be highly disengaged**

What’s that costing your business?

❌ Leaders who struggle as they transition into new or bigger roles will damage themselves, their team and your business.

❌ They’ll feel isolated and lack confidence, which impacts their effectiveness and, therefore, your business.

❌ You’ll start questioning if you made the right hiring decision and be frustrated that they’re causing problems for themselves and the team.

➡️ Taking no action means things won’t change quickly—they might improve with time, but do you have time? What damage will occur while you wait and hope it gets better?

➡️ How many team members will leave or see a performance drop, and what will that cost you…?

Time to change things!

✅ Ready to stop wasting their potential?

✅ Ready to stop wasting your time and energy?

✅ Ready to stop the negative impacts on your business?

With Boost Connect, you’ll have more confident and effective Leaders who build and grow happier, healthier, and higher-performing teams.

When I became an Associate Director leading a team of 20, with 4 direct reports, it was a very different ask than leading the small teams I was used to.

🟣 I needed to learn new skills - this role was very different! More strategy, more politics and more impact on the experience of a wider team.

🟣 I needed new behaviours - I was now leading through other leaders.

🟣 I needed new mindsets - this was bigger than me!

Being more confident and capable in my new role made me more effective, which meant I could successfully lead the team to deliver on the organisation's strategic objectives.

By developing my skills and confidence, I created an environment and experience my team wanted to be part of. My team had very low attrition and absence, and we had high engagement and commitment to deliver on our objectives.

“I created Boost Connect because it’s what I needed as a new Leader in a bigger and more strategic role.”

I’ve created Boost Connect so your Leaders can succeed

With a 6 or 12-month experience, they’ll become more confident and effective. And, you’ll accelerate them, their team and your business to success!

Boost Connect is a personalised and purposeful approach to Leadership Development.

They’ll get:

  • A personalised plan - helping them understand what’s needed from your leadership strategy, their role and for them to be the leader they want to be. Based on this, we then prioritise their areas of development.

  • 1:1 support from their Leadership Success Coach - so they can feel connected to their plan and keep making the progress that will help them succeed.

  • Access to our On-demand Leadership Course - so they can complete their plan and discover new areas to enhance their leadership capacity and capabilities.

  • Join our exclusive Boost Connect Community so they can share, learn, and celebrate with other leaders experiencing the challenges and joys of leading at this level. They’ll be able to access the 2 Live events each month (or watch them back), the regular Community Challenges, or get a perspective on a challenge from others.

Boost Connect is about helping them understand their role and giving them access to the skills and development they need to succeed (and love) it. We want to make it easy for them to fit it into the flow of their work while still providing peer group learning and support.

Boost Connect is about taking on new, bigger roles with less isolation and more support and success. The more your Leaders succeed, the better your business will do.

Is Boost Connect right for your business?

✅ You want to help your leaders, their teams and your business succeed.

✅ You want a culture where leadership enables the success of your business.

✅ You have leaders in departmental/bigger roles - they are responsible for strategic and operational impact.

✅ You have a 4-figure budget and are ready to invest in the next 1-3 months.

✅You value the right investments for better outcomes.

❌ You don’t want or need a culture of better leadership.

❌ You aren’t going to create the capacity or support for them to get the most out of the experience.

❌ You are looking for something for first-line operational managers - we can do this, but the focus here is on mid-senior leaders

❌ You have no budget - Boost Connect is a premium, high-quality product that creates positive outcomes. As it’s personalised, there is more 1:1 time than in an ordinary sheep dip programme!

Frequently asked questions

I expect you’ll have some questions; I know I would! I’ve tried to answer the main ones here, but if I haven’t answered your questions or you need more information, head to the contact form at the bottom of the page or send me a message on LinkedIn.

  • It’s a 6-month experience. If they want to stay in longer, then we can talk about that.

  • The Boost Connect experience is live and running, so they can join anytime.

    The joy of a personalised rolling programme is that it is about them; there’s no waiting around—once you sign them up and pay, they can start.

  • No, you can sign up for one Leader.

    The point of this programme is that it works for the individual—no sheep-dipping here!

    You might be promoting someone, and you want to give them all the development and support they need to be successful. There is no need to wait for others—we can start immediately, and they can join a group of peers in other organisations.

    You can include as many as you want whenever you want as long as the experience is the right fit for them and your organisation. We can explore this further on a free strategy call.

  • As with most investments for development and self-improvement - you’ll get what you put into it.

    The experience is designed to fit into the flow of their work, and all the materials and resources will be available on demand so they can decide.

    There are 2 Live Community Events each month, which we’d recommend they attend to get the most impact, but if they really can’t, they can watch those back.

    Ideally, you should consider 3-8 hours a month for the most impact.

  • As this is an experience that individuals can access, we wanted to make it as easy and flexible as possible. This is about their experience, which feels personal to them but without making them feel alone.

    They’ll get 1:1 time with their Leadership Success Coach and be part of the Connect Community, which means they can share, learn and get support from a wider group of peers.

    By making it remote, they can access materials in the way that is best for them, but they can still attend the 2 Live Community Events each month.

    With an in-person course, if they miss it, they miss out, but with our experience, everything is recorded, and they can engage with others in the community to continue the conversation - there is no missing out!

    We take care not to make this feel remote but to feel connected and fun.

  • When everyone signs up, each Leader is asked to accept the Boost Connect Community rules - these emphasise the need for safety, courtesy and confidentiality.

    We want everyone to feel they can be open to get the best results for themselves, which applies to everyone. We expect that to be replicated in Live Events and the Community.

    We don’t see this as any different from attending an in-person event.

    We recognise this will involve interactions outside the organisation, and we think there is more value and benefit here.

    However, if you’d prefer a bespoke Community for a group of Leaders from your organisation, we can explore this.

  • These are the 1:1 and Group elements:


    • Dashboard - they get their own personalised dashboard to navigate their experience.

    • Engage for Success - a 90-minute session with their Leadership Success Coach.

    • Boost Plan - they get their own plan based on their needs.

    • On-demand Leadership Course - they can access this whenever they want to.

    • Mid-Plan Review - a 30-60 minute session with their Leadership Success Coach.

    • End of Plan Review - a 30-60 minute session with their Leadership Success Coach.

    • Future development plan - based on enabling their future development.


    • The Connect CommunitySlack Group - this is group-based, but you can interact with your Leadership Success Coach 1:1.

    • Live Community Events—All members of Boost Connect are invited to these, but you can experience them individually on playback.

    • Community Challenges - if they want to.

    For more information and a demo - book your Free strategy call.

  • Depending on the provider you are using for in-house programmes, then it might be. However, you are getting a personalised experience for the Leaders who impact your business the most.

    This is the difference between training people and giving them a development and support package to accelerate their success.

    That’s your call on what you need and where your budget will take you. If you do have limited budget raise this with me immediately and I’ll see if there are any modifications we can make to help you achieve what you need for these Leaders.

Hi…I’m Anwen!

I love coaching and working with leaders.

I want them to succeed and to love leading - as I did.

Before Purple Sky Consulting, I spent 20 years working and loving HR, helping businesses create better experiences for their Leaders and People.

Working as an Associate Director, I understand the high impact of a mid-senior Leader and the difference investment in their success makes.

Today, I’m a qualified ILM Level 7 Executive and Senior Leader Coach and Mentor and a Chartered Fellow of the CIPD.

I help others by sharing my experience and expertise and giving them the leadership development experience they (and your business) deserve.

If you want to find out more or have any questions…

I’d love to hear from you.

*Gartner Study

**CEB Study